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Sri Lanka bomb blasts: Spice trader dies after family members killed

Sri Lanka bomb blasts: Spice trader dies after family members killed

By: K Pragalath

COLOMBO: A famous spice trader Ibrahim Dawood Hathiyar of Colombo died tragically after it was discovered that he had rented out his home to terrorists who launched an attack on the Shangrila Hotel.

“Ibrahim Dawood Hathiyar, a spice trader, had rented out his house. The tenant of that house was identified as a suicide bomber involved in the attack on Shangrila Hotel,” said The Leaders Online’s Sri Lankan correspondent, Ashraf A Samad.

“Ibrahim’s wife and son was killed along with the policemen tasked to check on the suicide bomber who lived there.

“Another son and the daughter in law of Dawood is suspected of being in the attacks as well and this led to Ibrahim’s death.

“He died before the police could conduct an enquiry,” said Ashraf.

In a related development, CNNNews18 identified the bomber who blew up at the Shangrila Hotel as Zahran Hashim.

A screen capture from CNN News18 with the image of Zahran Hashim

There was no confirmation whether Zahran was involved in murdering the family members of Ibrahim.

The news channel however reported that Zahran planned to launch an attack on Indian High Commission in Colombo but the failed to execute on 4 April.

The coordinated attacks launched yesterday in conjunction with the Easter celebrations has claimed the lives of 395 lives and 600 injuries. Of the 395, 40 are foreigners that includes the children of billionaire, Povlsen.