Owner dumps 3-year-old pet dog for having ‘illicit relationship’

Owner dumps 3-year-old pet dog for having ‘illicit relationship’

A white Pomeranian dog was abandoned by its owner in Thiruvananthapuram’s Chackai because he had a ‘problem’ with his pet’s “illicit relationship”.

The three-year-old dog, as per its owner, was in an ‘illicit relationship’ with another dog in the neighbourhood.

The owner mentioned the reason behind abandoning its pet on a note that was tied to the dog, found outside the World Market. In Malayalam, the owner also described the traits of the dog and mentioned her food habits in the note.

“It is a very good dog. Good habits. Do not need a lot of food. No illnesses. She’s given a bath every five days. She only barks – in three years, she has not bitten anyone. She has mostly fed milk, biscuits and eggs. She is being abandoned because she was found to have illicit relationship with a dog in the neighbourhood,” the note read, as per The News Minute.

News agency ANI shared pictures:

The dog was spotted by a passer-by near the World Market, who immediately dialled the NGO People For Animals, asking for a volunteer to attend to the Pomeranian.

Shameem, a volunteer for PFA, rushed to the spot to collect the dog.

While speaking to The News Minute, Shameem said: “I took her home and put her in my kennel. She is really nice, someone would adopt her soon. But there is a really hopeful look on her face, expecting that her owner would come to pick her up.”

“The dog is in heat,” Shameem said, adding that she mated with the other dog for this reason.

During her conversation, Shameem also said that she has often seen owners abandoning their pets.

But this reason cited by the owner of the Pomeranian is something that she has heard for the first time.

India Today

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abandoned dogillicit relationshipIndia