Malaysia’s most secret Task Force Terms of Reference

Malaysia’s most secret Task Force Terms of Reference

CAGED continues to be dismayed by the secrecy surrounding the Terms of Reference of the “task force” formed by the Home Ministry to investigate Suhakam’s conclusion that the Special Branch, Bukit Aman abducted social activist Amri Che Mat and Pastor Raymond Koh.

CAGED wonders whether any of the seven persons who, to-date, have accepted nominations to the “task force” have seen the Terms of Reference.

CAGED has previously objected to three of the members on the basis of conflicts of interest: Datuk Rahim Uda, Datuk Zamri Yahya and Dato’ Mokhtar Mohd. Noor. Mokhtar has withdrawn. Rahim and Zamri remain.

CAGED wonders whether the remaining four members of the “task force” have objected to Rahim and Zamri, since the presence of Rahim and Zamri will discredit the entire “task force.”

CAGED reiterates that the “task force” will remain bogus for as long as Rahim and Zamri remain in it and for as long as the Terms of Reference are not in accordance with Suhakam’s recommendations.

CAGED is astonished that more than 16 weeks after Suhakam released its report, the home ministry has not properly constituted an Investigation Task Force to do what the police failed to do, find the missing men and bring to book the perpetrators of so great a crime.

CAGED calls upon the Home Ministry to show some sense of urgency.

By Rama Ramanathan a member of CAGED

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