Dr Dzulkefly: Malaysia will continue to help in disaster management

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia will continue to assist and support disaster-affected countries through its knowledge and skills in global disaster management.
Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad said over the years, the local emergency services had matured and transformed gradually by the nation’s development of effective strategies to reduce the effect of national disaster.
He said the setting up of National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) was one of the effective strategies to increase Malaysia’s preparedness towards disaster management.
“Undoubtedly, Malaysia has made invaluable contributions to various global disasters management and assistance and will continue to do so,” he said at the opening of the 7th national and 5th International Table Top and Communication Exercise in Disaster Medicine (TOPCOM) 2019, here today.
His text-of-speech was read by the ministry’s Deputy Secretary-General (Management) Datuk Mohd Shafiq Abdullah.
According to Dr Dzulkefly, NADMA had also provided a helping hand to Indonesia during the massive earthquake and tsunami in Palu, Sulawesi, together with the team of Emergency Medical Service (EMS), public health personnel from the government side and the Red Crescent Society, as well as other non-governmental organisations.
The minister said through the excellent, tireless and dedicated services of its former and present diplomatic officers and representatives, Malaysia has been viewed with great respect for its stand on many international issues.
He said although a disaster is the combined consequence of natural hazards and human activities, human vulnerability caused by the lack of appropriate emergency management would lead to financial, structural, and human losses.
These losses, he said, were reducible and to some extent, preventable with preparedness by the health professionals.
“Therefore, by having the TOPCOMM courses, we hope they will open many new doors to different agencies to collaborate and to work hand in hand to achieve the best results in emergency preparedness,” he added.
The six-day course, which began on July 1, involves 30 eminent international speakers from the United States, Qatar, Australia, United Kingdom, Japan and neighbouring countries Indonesia and Singapore.
It aims at providing new opportunities and platforms to share experiences in disaster management and preparation in an informal stress-free environment.