Tag "Johor Wildlife and National Parks Department"
Back to homepageSix tapirs become roadkill victim in less than two months
JOHOR BAHRU: Less than two months ago, the people were shocked to learn that six tapirs had become victims of roadkill in several hotspots near jungle in Johor despite the warning signages in those areas. Moving forward, the concern over
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JOHOR BAHRU: A female tapir was found dead after it was believed to have been hit by a vehicle at Jalan Padang Tembak, near Kluang yesterday. Johor Wildlife and National Parks Department (Perhilitan) director Salman Saaban said the carcass of
Read MoreAdolescent elephant found dead near Jalan Kota Tinggi-Mersing
KOTA TINGGI: An adolescent female elephant was found dead about 50 metres away from the 13th mile stretch of Jalan Kota Tinggi-Mersing yesterday. Johor Wildlife and National Parks Department director Salman Saaban said the elephant, estimated to be six-years-old, was
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