Stern action if ‘Ghost Smoke’ is found to contain nicotine

KUALA LUMPUR: The Health Ministry warned that stern action will be taken against anyone found selling ‘Ghost Smoke’ candies if they are found to contain nicotine.
Deputy Health Minister Dr Lee Boon Chye said it was an offence to sell products containing nicotine without a licence.
“We view this matter seriously and have formed a task force to find out if ‘Ghost Smoke’ candies have adverse effects on the health of children.
“If ‘Ghost Smoke’ candies contain nicotine, the ministry can immediately remove them from the market and those selling them will also face action,” he told Bernama after appearing as a guest on Bernama News Channel’s “Ruang Bicara” programme tonight.
He was commenting fears expressed by parents on consumption of the candies which are shaped like cigarettes and also emit smoke-like vapour when sucked.
Lee added that the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry and the Customs Department could also take action if sale of the candies flouted regulations.
“On the part of my ministry, we’d rather ban the sale of this product because it has elements of encouraging children to take up smoking when they are adults,” he said.
In Kota Bharu, the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry’s director for Kelantan, Adnan Abd Rahman said his enforcement team seized 40 “Ghost Smoke” candies from a premise in the municipality during an inspection yesterday.
He said parents had complained that the candies were being sold to pupils at a nearby school.