MCMC: Stop sharing upside down national flag images

MCMC: Stop sharing upside down national flag images

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has advised the public not to share or circulate photographs or videos of the national flag (Jalur Gemilang) hung upside down at a school in Pahang.

The advice came after the MCMC found videos and photographs of similar incidents but were unintentional or had happened a long time ago, were also being shared on social media.

“However, MCMC does not rule out the possibility that certain parties have modified the images to carry a malicious agenda,” said the commission through the portal.

In this regard, MCMC is urging social media users not to share or circulate such images which could incite hatred and public anger.

MCMC also advised internet users to exercise self-control when accessing the internet and not to use the platform to disseminate fake, offensive and derogatory contents that could provoke anger and jeopardise public order.


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Jalur GemilangMCMC