5 Places you can visit for Merdeka

5 Places you can visit for Merdeka

Looking for something to do to celebrate Merdeka? Here are 5 places you can visit that will make you appreciate our country and its people just a little more. 

1. Dataran Merdeka

Dataran Merdeka is undoubtedly the most popular site for Merdeka. It is where the Union Jack Flag was lowered and the Malayan flag was raised for the first time on the midnight of 31st August 1957.

Ever since, it has been the place Malaysians gather for the Merdeka Parade. However, this year’s Merdeka Parade will be in Putrajaya.

2. Dataran Putrajaya

The government announced that this year’s National Day Parade will be held in Putrajaya. The theme for this year’s National Day is ‘Sayangi Malaysiaku: Malaysia Bersih’ (Love Malaysia: A Clean Malaysia). There will be cultural performances, military demonstration, royal procession, sporting events and more.

3. National Monument

Just a 5-minute drive from Merdeka Square is the National Monument. The monument stands in memory of soldiers that helped shape the future of the country.

The statue depicts seven soldiers carrying the Malaysian flag, each representing a certain quality of leadership; command, wariness, suffering, courage, strength and sacrifice.

4. Padang Bandar Hilir Melaka

This was where the Independence of the Federation of Malaya was first announced. YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj made the announcement on 20 February 1956.

5. Genting Highlands Fireworks

You can catch a spectacular firework display at the Sky Avenue in Resorts World Genting this year. Parking and traffic can be rough at peak hours so try to reach there early. The fireworks display are expected to start at 8pm on 31st August.

Uqbah Soperi