Penang supplies water to Kedah

Penang supplies water to Kedah

GEORGE TOWN, March 15: The Penang Water Supply Corporation have provided two water tankers to help channel water to affected areas in Kedah due to the excessively hot weather condition since the past several months.

Its chief executive officer, Datuk Jaseni Maidinsa said the aid started since early this week and a tanker contained 5,000 litres of water.

“Syarikat Air Darul Aman (SADA) requested for aid through the National Water Services Commission (SPAN). We help SADA because they do not have enough manpower. About 20,000 residents are affected. They were having water supply problem since before the Chinese New Year and this was followed by the hot weather.

‘’The Merbok and Tanjung Dawai are not the only areas affected. There are also other affected areas such as Bedong, Semeling, Singkir and Gurun. SADA made the plans (for supplying water) and we follow.. We station six of our personnel in the affected areas. They will take water from an area and send it to the affected areas,’ he told Bernama here Thursday.

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