Marine police foil attempt to smuggle out cooking gas

by Theleaders-Online | April 16, 2019 2:53 am

TAWAU: The Marine Police (PPM) arrested an Indonesian man near Sungai Haji Kuning here yesterday, after he was caught trying to smuggle out cooking gas to his home country.

In the 5.10pm incident Sabah region 4 PPM commander, ACP Mohamad Pajeri Ali, said his personnel were patrolling the area when they stumbled upon a suspicious boat .

“On inspection we found five barrels of cooking gas hidden at the rear of the boat.

“The 30-year-old skipper had a passport but failed to produce any authorisation letter from the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs pertaining to the gas cylinders, ” he said in a statement here today.

Mohamad Pajeri said the man along with the goods worth RM14,000 were taken to the Tawau PPM Operations Headquarters for further action.


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