Famous Nutritionist Zheng Yulong Customizes the Healthy Diet With Olive Oils for Chinese Families

by Theleaders-Online | June 3, 2020 11:10 am

BEIJING, June 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — June 1st is Children’s Day, which is a well-known festival in China. But what you may not know is that, June 1st is also the Global Day of Parents. This Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 2012 and provides an opportunity to appreciate all parents for their selfless commitment to children.

Famous Nutritionist Zheng Yulong Customizes the Healthy Diet with Olive Oils for Chinese Families[1]
Famous Nutritionist Zheng Yulong Customizes the Healthy Diet with Olive Oils for Chinese Families

Nowadays, people from all over the world are facing a huge challenge, the health problem has been placed on the agenda. In order to fight against the invasion of various viruses, people are willing to improve their immune systems through a healthy diet. Mr. Zheng Yulong, China’s primary nutritionist and famous Chinese health expert, has been invited to provide professional dietary advices.

Mr. Zheng said: “Protein, iron and zinc deficiencies are quite common in China. The nutrition patterns that are high in salt, fat, sugar and low in dietary fiber should be corrected. These nutrition patterns will highly increase the risk of chronic diseases such as hyperglycemia or hypertension.”

Zheng gave the advice on the healthy diet for the public from a professional perspective. “It is necessary to increase the variety of food. Products that contain high quality protein, as well as enough fresh fruits and vegetables should be consumed every day. It is necessary to change cooking methods: less deep frying, more braising… People should reduce the intake of saturated fats in daily cooking.”

For oils, Mr. Zheng emphasized that olive oil is a healthy fatty acid, and extra virgin olive oil is the most natural and the healthiest oil in the world. Not heated or chemically extracted during the production process, it is rich in polyphenols, natural antioxidants and vitamins E and other nutrients, which can help us control the cholesterol level in our blood. Meanwhile, it can effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Mr. Zheng also introduced the applications of olive oils in daily cooking: “Olive oil is also a kind of cooking oil, and there is no difference between olive oil and other cooking oils in cooking methods. Besides, olive oil has a smooth taste and unique fruity flavor, which helps to enhance the flavor of ingredients and make the dishes more delicious.”

Europe is the biggest power in the world in olive oil production – the production and exports of Olive Oils from Spain rank first in the world. During the year 2019, the imports of olive oils have increased by 39.71%. In total, China imported 50.420 tons of olive oils.

Photo – https://theleaders-online.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/famous-nutritionist-zheng-yulong-customizes-the-healthy-diet-with-olive-oils-for-chinese-families.jpg

  1. [Image]: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1176278/olive_oils_from_spain.jpg

Source URL: https://theleaders-online.com/famous-nutritionist-zheng-yulong-customizes-the-healthy-diet-with-olive-oils-for-chinese-families/