Discrimination policies against non citizens in places of worship for non-Muslims

by Theleaders-Online | May 21, 2020 10:00 am

We were taken aback when we heard that only citizens are allowed to enter places of worship for non-Muslims when they are permitted to open on June 10. I thought places of worship are places where one can instil the sense of compassion among races and people in the wake of recent hate speeches against migrants and refugees.

Senior Minister Ismail Sabri said this today in his daily updates. He also said that this was done after consultation between National Unity Minister Halimah Mohamed Sadique with representatives of religion groups such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Taoism and Sikhism.

If this is true, then it seems that places of worship are promoting discriminating policies between citizens and non citizens. Does this mean that the doors of their worship homes will now be limited to citizens only and these places will shut their doors on others.

In recent weeks we have seen escalation of hate speeches as well as people in Apartments having banners demanding non citizens to do covid testing etc. The Government and the Religious leader’s needs to come out clean if this ruling in barring non citizen in places of worship for non-Muslims is purely a health requirement or a discrimination policy.

S Arutchelvan is the deputy chairperson Parti Sosialis Malaysia

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of The Leaders Online.

Source URL: https://theleaders-online.com/discrimination-policies-against-non-citizens-in-places-of-worship-for-non-muslims/